
58 Produkt (e)
The Glasshouse

The Glasshouse

When John Ruskin disparaged the Crystal Palace as 'a great cucumber frame', he hit upon a truism. Representing the zenith of Victorian glasshouses, the Crystal Palace epitomized a building type that had been developed by horticulturists and garden ...

Gebrandschilderde Ruitjes uit de Nederlanden 1480-1560 - Copy

Gebrandschilderde Ruitjes uit de Nederlanden 1480-1560 - Copy

Het Rijksmuseum bezit een belangrijke verzameling gebrandschilderde ruitjes uit de Noordelijke en de Zuidelijke Nederlanden - in dit boekje kortweg aangeduid als de Nederlanden - uit de periode ca. 1480-1560. De basis van de collectie werd gelegd in ...

Ceramics and Glass: a Basic Technology

Ceramics and Glass: a Basic Technology

At first sight the two crafts of producing pottery and making articles in glass seem to be completely separate, however, they have a great deal in common. One process involves the cold working of a plastic material which becomes permanently hardened ...

Raw Materials for Glass Melting

Raw Materials for Glass Melting

This handbook serves as a practical guide on raw materials used in glass melting to those concerned with batch handling, glass melting, glass compositions, purchase of raw materials, etc.

Sottsass. Glass Works

Sottsass. Glass Works

Ettore Sottsass, one of the most famous of Italian designers, has experimented many times with glass as a production material, Sottsass' work with glass began fifty years ago, when he cooperated with some of the most important and well-known of the ...

Aufbruch zum Glauben

Aufbruch zum Glauben

Existentielle Krisen und seine Hinwendung zu Gott - es war ein tief greifender, sein Leben verändernder Aufbruch zum Glauben - haben Johannes Schreiter dahin geführt, sich fast ausschließlich der Glasfensterkunst zu widmen, für die er neue Techniken ...



Ubuntu is a word from the Zulu and Xhosa languages and means so much as “I am because we are”

Basic Optical Stress Measurement in Glass

Basic Optical Stress Measurement in Glass

During the manufacture of all glass products, both temporary and residual stresses develop. Such stresses arise as a consequence of the manufacturing processes and for proper process control to be exercised it is necessary to be able to quantify thes...

Faszination Glas.

Faszination Glas.

Frau Regine Balmer, Lektorin vom Paul Haupt Verlag Bern, hat in der Ausgabe 2/1994 der Zeitschrift des Schweizer Heimatwerks die Reportage ´Eine Erfolgsgeschichte aus ganz besonderem Glas´gelesen.

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